I’m the Boss: A Family’s Story by PJ
Do you know what it is like to be brave and face your fears? I was 8 years old when I was diagnosed with OCD. It was December 24, 2018. I named my OCD Jilly Bod Tukus McGee, because it was the worst name I could think of. I call him JB or Jilly Bod. He made me feel like I meant nothing and could not do anything. My OCD is about being dirty, but not getting sick. Jilly Bod makes me feel like I am covered in plastic. He makes me afraid he is going to take over my life and I won’t be able to have fun. But I needed to persevere. Then, I went to CPE Clinic and my life completely changed. I was able to find my strength and say no to JB. He still tries to enter my life, but I use the tools the CPE Clinic gave me. They are “do the opposite,” and to tell JB “I’m the boss!” I also continue to do exposures, which are when you purposefully do something your OCD does not want you to do. While I am doing it, I say, “I am OK.” When I don’t feel ok, I make sure my family is there to tell me I am strong. I know I will have OCD for the rest of my life, but I also know it won’t control me.
Read PJ’s Mom’s View of Facing OCD